
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Kites make me happy

I love the adage "go fly a kite" probably because it's meant to be an insult but flying kites brings a smile to my face. Perhaps because of all the laughter that my husband and I enjoyed while watching each other trying to fly our fancy schmancy Owl kite. Each of us howled with laughter watching the other run down the street and across our yard trying to get the kite going in the air only to see it float about 25feet up for about 5 seconds before it would come crashing to the ground in a nose dive time and time again. We finally gave up after about 30 attempts but we certainly got some good laughs in. Excellent therapy. Now, we're on the hunt for an "easier" kite to fly and planning a fun kite flying or fighting party. My favorite moment is when my husband doubled over laughing after about 10 nose dives. Such great fun.