
Monday, April 03, 2006

On my nightstand: Fight Back and Win

On my nightstand is a copy of Gloria Allred's book Fight Back and Win and The Mind Map Book by Tony Buzan. I've really enjoyed reading them both. Gloria Allred's book has really helped in continuing to inspire and empower me on those days when I question why in the hell I'm doing what I'm doing. That is, quitting my successful job, selling everything I own, moving to another city thousands of miles away, and incurring an insurmountable amount of debt just to go through such a hellish and rigorous academic program. She is relentless in her pursuit to ensure that those victimized by the media AND the justice system are heard and protected. She's represented Nicole Simpson's Family and Amber Frey's (Scott Peterson) interests in high profile media scandals. She's fought against the good ole boy clubs to ensure that women are respected in the workplace and has legitimitized the sexual harassment movement. She's very brave and has overcome much to accomplish what she's accomplished in her high profile legal career. I have laughed out loud on several occasions when reading about some of her antics and things that she has said as she has cleverly manipulated the media to further her client's and sometimes her own pursuit in justice.

The Mind Map is also very insightful on how the right and left brain works and I'm hoping that I can use some of the teachings to take better notes. My memory recall could use definite improvement as I'm one of those persons who need to visualize what's going on. Drawings, pictures, graphs, color, anything other than pages and pages and pages of text. I haven't read much of the book so I can't really recommend it as of yet - we'll see if I can put it into action before the school year is over.