
Saturday, September 30, 2006

I'm getting a second opinion

sorry folks. I have been completely snowed under with work, school, the journal, and an unexplicable illness that includes vertigo, nausea, rashes, heat flashes, nightsweats, etc. My doctor thinks it's brought on by stress but I don't know. That really doesn't make sense to me so I'm getting a second opinion. Most of the symptoms are tolerable but the vertigo isn't. I can't read or concentrate at all when I have one of those episodes and it's not like it's over in a minute or two. Sometimes it lasts all day. It's really bizarre and a little scary. Especially when I can barely keep up with my work when I'm healthy. A missed day of work or study sends me into a downward spiral. I have essentially overscheduled myself and left no room for error or sick time. The days are flying and I feel like I'm doing a half-@$$ job on everything thus far. It appears that the old law school adage is true. They DO work you to death your second year.

BUT at the same time I'm totally enjoying my second year in. Everyone is laid back, the classes are interesting, I'm working with some pretty cool people for the most part so I love the fact that I'm applying what I've learned plus this time next year, I'll be worrying about the BAR. Most importantly, this whole past year has really confirmed that I made the right decision to go to law school. There are so many possibilities for my future which makes it really exciting. And I feel great about all of it. IT's so much better than going to work every day with the mindset that it's a job and I'm collecting a paycheck. Now, I'm pursuing meaningful work that I can feel passionate about and contribute to the greater good. Farewell corporate BS!