
Monday, January 06, 2014

I've got to get moving

For the last 13 months (ahem, Ella's age), my workout routine has been either woefully inconsistent or nonexistent.  Chasing a one year old can in and of itself be a workout but let's face it, my poor body does not enjoy the "benefits" that it once it enjoyed while I ran, biked, or swam.  I have the best of intentions.  My workout bag is packed in my trunk and ready for an impromptu walk at Town Lake, hike on Barton's Creek or a pop in to the gym.  I have yet to do even one of those and I sadly do not want to admit how long that bag has remained untouched in said truck.  I have found myself on more than one occasion specifically bypassing a workout opportunity to rush home and see Ella.  I hate being away from her and working all day.  If I work out after work, then there's a good chance that I won't make it home before she goes to bed or I'll only have an hour with her before she goes to bed.

Then why not a lunch workout?  Good question.  Same deal.  I try to rush through the day so that I can leave earlier to see my girl.

This burning need to get home to my girl plus my low tolerance for pain has bootstrapped me into a vicious cycle of sacrificing my own personal well being.  

Will I ever strike a balance?